Living with teenagers, Smidley learned to live off the fat of the land. With his bad eyesight, he morphed into a nose dominated little critter. He loved him some people food. Fast food was his favorite. Since teenagers aren't apt to put things away properly, he'd discover, and appropriate, all kinds of little goodies. If a person was to leave a burger sack, with fries, laying around, they wouldn't expect it to be there later if a person was to walk off. Smid was like a thief in the night, or the day for that matter.
My son was always involved in a running battle with Smidley over food. For some reason Smid considered himself an equal with Todd and therefore had equal rights to any and all food that Todd might have. Sometimes I'd hear Todd cussing Smid and griping that Smid had snatched some bit of food off of the coffee table. I'd tell Todd that Smid had not changed his M.O. over time. If you leave something unattended, Smid would get it. Don't expect any other behavior. He has his tried and true methods.
Then there was the "rat's nest". It was behind his favorite sofa, in the corner of the room. When Smid was in trouble, or feeding on his ill-gotten bounty, he'd go to, what I called, his rat's nest. Every once in a while, I'd look back there, usually when I was looking for Smid, and I'd see all manner of objects in that corner. Fast food wrappers, sacks, dog daughter's underwear(?). You name it. It was like an archeological dig. You could tell what Smid had been up to since the last rat's nest cleaning. Judging from what was back there, Smid must have had the constitution of a goat, or at least a similar diet. He appeared to be willing to eat, and/or, chew on anything.
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